Posts Tagged 'Greg Verdino MicroMarketing'

microMARKETING Maven at the NYAMA’s “Meet The Author Series”

This morning we were delighted to have Greg Verdino at the NYAMA’s Meet The Author Series.  Greg is the author of “microMARKETING” (McGraw-Hill), a very smart new book about the strategies companies and agencies can explore to succeed in the digital world.

What made Greg such a delight is that he’s a natural storyteller.  Nobody wanted to stop listening and leave when we came to the end of the session.  There’s nothing more wonderful than listening to someone who has something important to say and can say it a way that engages and entertains.  Kudos to Greg!

microMARKETING by Greg Verdino

If you haven’t browsed through Greg’s book at, or or Amazon — or even in a real honest to goodness bookstore — then I’ll give you the sneak peak.  Here it is:

The Seven Shifts From Mass To Micro

from Mass Communications to Masses of Communications

from Media Networks to the Network Effect

from Interruptions to Interactions

from Prime Time to Real Time

from Reach to Relationships

from Awareness to Attention

from One Big Thing to the Right Small Things

You might have missed Greg this morning because the alarm didn’t go off, the dog had to be dragged out for a walk in the rain or the taxi kidnapped you and took you ten blocks out of the way. The good news is you can buy the book.

The next author is our series is David Rogers, director of the BRITE Conference at Columbia Business School.  He will be talking about his new book “The Network is Your Customer: 5 Strategies for Brands in a Digital Age”  That’s on Thursday morning, April 13th from 8 am to 9:30 am.  Sign-up at

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